Anaergia Inc.
We convert waste into useful resources, protect the environment, and sustain life for generations to come. Where some see waste, we see resources.
IR Website: https://investors.anaergia.com/overview/default.aspx
Headquarters: Burlington, Ontario
Content provided by Anaergia Inc on 3-11-22.
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World-Leading and Proprietary Platform for Producing Carbon Negative Fuel from any Organic Waste Stream
Anaergia is the only global market participant with end-to-end solutions for organic waste problems, including processing of solid waste streams (municipal solid waste ‘MSW’, source-separated organics ‘SSO’ and commercial waste), wastewater sludge and agri-food waste (agriculture waste and food processing waste).
Offers an alternative and sustainable solution to the rising costs and environmental impact of traditional organic waste disposal methods, such as composting, landfilling, incineration and land application.
Recent News

Anaergia Releases its First Sustainability (Environmental, Social and Governance) Report
Jun 9, 2022
Anaergia Expands Renewable Natural Gas Production with the Commissioning of Calimera Bio Facility in Italy
Jun 1, 2022
Dr. Andrew Benedek Interview with The Suburban's Editor-In-Chief, Beryl Waksman, for Beyond the Pages Online News Show
May 30, 2022
Anaergia Named by Sustainable Development Technology Canada to Its Inaugural List of Canada’s Sustainability Changemakers
May 19, 2022
Anaergia’s Rialto Bioenergy Facility in California Receives Distinction Award for Global Wastewater Project of the Year
May 18, 2022
Management Overview

Chief Executive Officer & Chair
Dr. Andrew Benedek received his undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from McGill University, and a doctorate from the University of Washington. He began his career as a professor at McMaster University and later left academia to start Zenon, which became the global leader in technology for recycling water. After GE acquired Zenon, Dr. Benedek founded Anaergia, a world leader in recovering energy, fertilizer, and water from waste. Dr. Benedek is the recipient of many international awards including the inaugural Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize, the world’s largest prize for advances in the water field. Dr. Benedek also received three honorary doctorates and he has contributed to boards and committees of many learned societies and governments.
Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Scherson holds a Ph.D. and a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University, where he was also a Postdoctoral Scholar in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Scherson joined Anaergia in 2014 as the Managing Director for the Western United States and managed applications and process engineering globally. As Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Scherson is responsible for overseeing all business line sales, project development, contracting and negotiation, project execution and operations, and project financing. He also spearheads Anaergia’s market outreach and regulatory engagement strategy in California. He is a licensed Professional Civil Engineer and holds a Contractors A licence in California. Dr. Scherson was listed as a rising star in the energy sector in Forbes 30 Under 30 in 2012.
Risks & Disclosures

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Information, opinions and estimates contained on this page or in the Company Presentation reflect judgments by the Company as of the original date of publication by the Company and are subject to change without notice. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied is made regarding future performance.
A complete description of the risks and uncertainties relating to the Company and its securities can be found in the company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission available for free at www.sec.gov.
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B2I DIGITAL, Inc. is a marketing sponsor of the Roth 34th Annual Roth Conference. B2I DIGITAL, Inc. is not an affiliate of Roth Capital Partners, LLC (“Roth”) and is not authorized to represent or act on behalf of Roth ,in any capacity. Roth has not reviewed and approved the content contained on the b2idigital.com website.