GBS Inc.
GBS Inc. (Nasdaq: GBS) is on a mission to put the power of non-invasive, real-time diagnostic testing in the hands of patients and their primary health practitioners at point of care.
With the world-first Biosensor Platform, GBS Inc. is developing and launching diagnostic tests urgently needed to help eradicate COVID-19 and change the lives of people living with diabetes.
Nasdaq: GBS
IR Website: https://investors.gbs.inc/investor-relations
Headquarters: New York, NY
Content provided by GBS on 2-23-22.
The GBS management team is always available to talk to current and potential investors. They're happy to answer any questions you may have and tell you what makes their story unique. Please fill out this form, and we will connect you shortly.

GBS Inc. (Nasdaq: GBS) is on a mission to put the power of non-invasive, real-time diagnostic testing in the hands of patients and their primary health practitioners at point of care.
With the world-first Biosensor Platform, GBS Inc. is developing and launching diagnostic tests urgently needed to help eradicate COVID-19 and change the lives of people living with diabetes.
Recent News

GBS Inc. Reports Second Quarter 2022 Financial Results and Recent Business Highlights
Feb 10, 2022
GBS Inc. to Present Second Quarter 2022 Financial Results and Recent Corporate Update on February 10
Feb 7, 2022
GBS Inc. to Participate in the Upcoming January Virtual Investor Conferences
Dec 20, 2021
GBS Inc. Announces Application for FDA Breakthrough Device Designation to Fast Track Rapid Saliva Glucose Test
Dec 13, 2021
GBS Inc. Announces Plans for Clinical SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Trials Following Validation Study
Nov 30, 2021
Management Overview

Dr. Steven Boyages MD, MB, BS, Ph.D
Interim CEO and Chairman of the Board
A practicing clinician in endocrinology with more than 30 years’ experience in medicine, including multiple executive positions, Dr. Steven Boyages serves as Chairman of the Board of GBS Inc. Dr. Boyages previously held the position of Chief Executive of the Sydney West Area Health Service (SWAHS), which is now known as Western Sydney Local Health District. Covering a population of 1.2 million people, SWAHS employed more than 15,000 staff and had a gross operating budget of $2 billion (AUD), managing $1.6 billion (AUD) worth of assets. Dr. Boyages has also served as Medical Director for eHealth New South Wales, and was the foundation Chief Executive of the Clinical Education and Training Institute (CETI) New South Wales (NSW), Australia, set up to ensure the development and the delivery of clinical education and training across the NSW public health system. Previous to this, Dr. Boyages was the Director of Diabetes and Endocrinology at Westmead Hospital, from 1990 to 1999. During this time, Dr. Boyages’ major achievements were to define the pathophysiology of thyroid hormone deficiency on brain development secondary to iodine deficiency; to develop prevention strategies in iodine deficient communities in China, India, Indonesia and Northern Italy; to define the impact of growth hormone excess and deficiency in adults and to develop innovative population health models of care for people with diabetes. Dr. Boyages continues an active research career in a range of fields, but mostly in the pursuit of better models of chronic disease prevention and management.
Spiro Sakiris, B.Bus, Dip Law, CA
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Sakiris has 32 years’ experience in accounting and taxation, IPOs and capital raising, and business system designs, including the application of IFRS and US GAAP for the life science industry. Mr. Sakiris is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia & New Zealand, a registered Series 28 principal with iQ Capital (USA) LLC and a registered broker-dealer with FINRA. He also serves as Special Projects Lead at The iQ Group Global.
Risks & Disclosures

This communication is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor a recommendation of any securities of the company mentioned herein.
GBS Inc. (the “Company”) and its counsel have reviewed the content of this page as well as the accompanying presentation (“Company Presentation”) displayed on this page. To the best of its knowledge, the Company does not believe this content to be misleading or inaccurate in any material respect, nor does it believe there are any material omissions with respect to such content. The Company does not believe the contents of the page or the Company Presentation to contain any non-public material information.
Information and opinions presented in the Company Presentation are provided by the Company, and b2i digital makes no representation as to their accuracy or completeness. The information contained on this page is not intended to constitute any form of advice, and the information provided is not intended to provide a sufficient basis on which to make an investment decision. It is not investment research, nor does it constitute a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. This information is not to be relied upon in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment.
Information, opinions and estimates contained on this page or in the Company Presentation reflect judgments by the Company as of the original date of publication by the Company and are subject to change without notice. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied is made regarding future performance.
A complete description of the risks and uncertainties relating to the Company and its securities can be found in the company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission available for free at www.sec.gov.
Information on this page may relate to penny stocks, which may also be referred to as low-priced stocks. Penny stocks are low-priced shares typically issued by small companies. Penny stocks involve greater than normal risk, they may be less liquid than other stocks (i.e., more difficult to sell), and there may be less reliable information available regarding such stocks. Investors in penny stocks should be prepared for the possibility that they may lose their entire investment.
B2I DIGITAL, Inc. is a marketing sponsor of the Roth 34th Annual Roth Conference. B2I DIGITAL, Inc. is not an affiliate of Roth Capital Partners, LLC (“Roth”) and is not authorized to represent or act on behalf of Roth ,in any capacity. Roth has not reviewed and approved the content contained on the b2idigital.com website.