GreenBox POS
GreenBox blockchain technology promotes efficiency, accessibility, speed, and security, serving as a pioneer in disrupting the legacy global financial system. The Company’s proprietary blockchain-based ecosystem can serve as a fully integrated end-to-end payments solution, with functionality ranging from client onboarding, payment facilitation, payment processing and recording, and asset (fiat and/or stable coin) storage.
Nasdaq: GBOX
IR Website: https://investors.greenboxpos.com/
Headquarters: San Diego, CA
Content provided by GreenBox POS on 3-2-22.
The GreenBox POS management team is always available to talk to current and potential investors. They're happy to answer any questions you may have and tell you what makes their story unique. Please fill out this form, and we will connect you shortly.

GreenBox blockchain technology promotes efficiency, accessibility, speed, and security, serving as a pioneer in disrupting the legacy global financial system. The Company’s proprietary blockchain-based ecosystem can serve as a fully integrated end-to-end payments solution, with functionality ranging from client onboarding, payment facilitation, payment processing and recording, and asset (fiat and/or stable coin) storage.
Press Release / Library
Stock Chart
SEC Filings
Management Overview

Ben Errez
Chairman, Executive Vice President
Ben Errez has acted as Chairman of our Board, Executive Vice President, Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer since July 2017. He has brought this expertise to the Company to lead the Company into the forefront of the blockchain-based financial software, services and hardware market. Since 2017, Errez has been a principal of the GreenBox Business. From August 2004 until August 2015, Errez formed the start-up IHC Capital, where he held the position of Principal Consultant from founding to the present date, through which he advises clients in the South Pacific region with market capitalizations ranging from $50M to $150M on matters such as commerce, security, reliability and privacy. From January 1991 to August 2004, he served as Software Development Lead for the Microsoft International Product Group. He led the International Microsoft Office Components team (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) in design, engineering, development and successful deployment. He also served as Executive Representative of Microsoft Office and was a founding member of the Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Forum, both within the company, and internationally. Errez co-authored the first Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Paper on Reliability. At Microsoft, Mr. Errez was responsible for the development of the first Microsoft software translation Software Development Kit (“SDK”) in Hebrew, Arabic, Thai and Simplified Chinese, as well as the development of the first bidirectional extensions to Rich Text Format (“RTF”) file format, all bidirectional extensions in text converters for Microsoft Office, and contributed to the development of the international extensions to the Unicode standard to include bidirectional requirements under the World Wide Web Consortium (“W3C”). He received his Bachelor Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Hebrew University.
Fredi Nisan
Chief Executive Officer, Director
Fredi Nisan has served as a Director and our Chief Executive Office since July 2017, and has been a principal of the Company since August 2017. In May 2016, Nisan founded Firmness, LLC. Through Firmness, Nisan created “QuickCitizen,” a software program that simplifies the onboarding process for new clients of law firms specializing in immigration issues. The QuickCitizen software significantly reduced law firm’s onboarding processing time from more than three hours to approximately fifteen minutes. In January 2010, Nisan launched Brava POS, where he served as President until 2015. Brava POS provided point of sale (“POS”) systems for specialty retail companies. Nisan developed software to provide clients with solutions for issues ranging from inventory management to payroll to processing high volume transactions in the form of a cloud-based POS system. This system had the capability to manage multiple stores with centralized inventory and process sales without an internet connection, and offered a secure login for each employee, as well as including advanced inventory management and reporting, plus powerful functionality for its end users. From January 2007 until November 2017, Nisan worked for One Coach, in San Diego, CA, as a business coach. One Coach specializes in customized growth solutions for small business owners, including the latest strategies for sales, internet marketing, branding and ROI. Nisan was consistently ranked as the top salesperson for small business coaching while working with One Coach.
Ben Chung
Chief Financial Officer
Ben Chung has more than 22 years of experience in the public accounting arena, as well as, invaluable industry exposure. He has extensive experience in audits for both private and public companies, Sarbanes-Oxley 404 planning and testing, purchase accounting under mergers and acquisitions, SEC reporting and due diligence transactions including post-merger integration services. Mr. Chung offers specialized expertise in the consumer, retail, manufacturing and distribution, technology, and non-profit industries. Mr. Chung’s international experience includes; IFRS and due diligence in China and US GAAP conversion audits in China and South Korea. Furthermore, Mr. Chung has been engaged in various IPO engagements, reverse merger [with SPACs] in China and Korea working with large investment bankers, lawyers, and private equity firms. Prior to forming Benjamin & Ko, Mr. Chung served as an Audit Partner for BDO Korea and previously represented the Korea Desk with BDO USA. He completed a two-year international rotation in South Korea and China, overseeing quality control for US GAAP, other foreign reporting filers, and the capital market practice. Mr. Chung also served as Audit Manager for medium to large public companies in the consumer industries practice at both Ernst & Young and PricewaterhouseCoopers. While at BDO, Mr. Chung served as one of the retail industry leaders, managing quarterly technical accounting and auditing webinars, and providing guidance to clients and other Partners in the firm. He was International Controller for American Apparel, Inc. Prior to this, Mr. Chung was Director of Internal Audit and Interim Director of Financial Reporting for Big 5 Sporting Goods.
Risks & Disclosures

This communication is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor a recommendation of any securities of the company mentioned herein.
GreenBox POS (the “Company”) and its counsel have reviewed the content of this page as well as the accompanying presentation (“Company Presentation”) displayed on this page. To the best of its knowledge, the Company does not believe this content to be misleading or inaccurate in any material respect, nor does it believe there are any material omissions with respect to such content. The Company does not believe the contents of the page or the Company Presentation to contain any non-public material information.
Information and opinions presented in the Company Presentation are provided by the Company, and b2i digital makes no representation as to their accuracy or completeness. The information contained on this page is not intended to constitute any form of advice, and the information provided is not intended to provide a sufficient basis on which to make an investment decision. It is not investment research, nor does it constitute a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. This information is not to be relied upon in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment.
Information, opinions and estimates contained on this page or in the Company Presentation reflect judgments by the Company as of the original date of publication by the Company and are subject to change without notice. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied is made regarding future performance.
A complete description of the risks and uncertainties relating to the Company and its securities can be found in the company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission available for free at www.sec.gov.
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B2I DIGITAL, Inc. is a marketing sponsor of the Roth 34th Annual Roth Conference. B2I DIGITAL, Inc. is not an affiliate of Roth Capital Partners, LLC (“Roth”) and is not authorized to represent or act on behalf of Roth ,in any capacity. Roth has not reviewed and approved the content contained on the b2idigital.com website.