SheepMedical Co., Ltd.
SheepMedical is a medical technology company promoting the digital transformation of orthodontics and preventative care. Our story began with the fastest aging, but healthiest population in the world – Japan. With our preventative care model, SheepMedical provides health services to extend global life expectancy.
IR Website: https://www.sheepmedical.com/about
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Content provided by SheepMedical on 6-4-22
The SheepMedical management team is always available to talk to current and potential investors. They're happy to answer any questions you may have and tell you what makes their story unique. Please fill out this form, and we will connect you shortly.

SheepMedical is a medical technology company, promotes the digital transformation of patient-centric orthodontics and preventive care.
As the leading independent company in the clear aligner business in Japan, SheepMedical focuses on quality, preventative orthodontic care and is building health solutions for today’s challenges, and anything tomorrow brings.
The SheepMedical story began with the fastest aging yet healthiest population in the world – Japan. With our preventative care model, SheepMedical provides health services seeking to extend global life expectancy.
SheepMedical is a Japan’s Leading Orthodontics Clear Aligner Producer
SheepMedical produces aligners and ancillary orthodontic products supported by technology to deliver the best patient experience
Clear Aligners
- Unique soft/hard aligners approach
- More tooth movement per aligner than the competitors. Fewer aligners required for the treatment journey
- Utilizing digital technology to achieve the most efficient tooth movement
- Designed by nationally certified dental technicians under the supervision of a doctor
- Prevents unnecessary tooth movement for quicker treatment
- Create space for tooth movement
- Alternative to teeth extraction and IPRs (Interproximal Reduction) to keep natural teeth as many as possible
- Our patented product
Recent News

SheepMedical Awarded Eruboshi Certification for the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
May 27, 2022
SheepMedical Introduces “Sustainable Bonus” for Employees Who
Mar 14, 2022
SheepMedical Launches Service of International Flagship Brand, KiyoClear, in China
Feb 21, 2022
SheepMedical Launches Service of International Flagship Brand, KiyoClear, in Indonesia
Jan 28, 2022
SheepMedical Launches Service of International Flagship Brand, KiyoClear, in Singapore
Jan 21 2022
Management Overview

Naozumi Matsumoto
Chief Executive Officer
Naozum founded Dental Assist Co., now SheepMedical, in 2017 to increase access to affordable orthodontic treatments. Throughout his medical career he has established 35 cosmetic surgery and medical hair removal clinics in Japan. He leverages his business and healthcare experience to drive the advancement of medical technology across the globe.
Naozum earned his medical license from the Saga University School of Medicine.
Yasufumi Urata
Chief Operating Officer
He joined SheepMedical, in its early days, as a business manager to expand the business’ digital manufacturing and business development.
Previously, he worked in the technology industry as a skilled developer and producer of entertainment businesses. His strategic guidance has been implemented in technology start-ups in Japan and abroad.
Yasufumi graduated from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.
Takuya Kiriyama
Chief Global Strategist
Prior to joining SheepMedical, he spent six years in management consulting at Bain & Company, a global management consulting firm. Takuya engaged in the infrastructure development of the Economic Research Center for East Asia and ASEAN, an international organization in Indonesia.
Takuya earned his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Tokyo
and graduated from the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.
Hideki Maruyama
Chief Financial Officer
Hideki Maruyama is the chief financial officer of SheepMedical, overseeing the accounting and finance departments.
Hideki was an M&A advisor at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a leading auditing and consulting firm, where he worked on domestic and international financial advisory projoects, which included a stint in the United Kingdom. He previously worked with the Australian Embassy in Tokyo. Hideki earned his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Sydney.
Shinya Tabata
Chief Strategy Officer
Shinya Tabata is the chief strategy officer of SheepMedical where he leads the promotion of corporate development.
Early in his career, he spent time in theM&A advisory division at Daiwa Securities SMBC, before joining theinvestment banking division at Macquarie where he engaged in domestic andinternational M&A transactions. Shinya’s also spent time with the CITIC Capitalprivate equity team and the Jefferies’ investment banking division with anemphasis in international transactions. Shinya graduated from the Faculty ofLaw at Keio University.
Tomoyo Umemoto
Chief Administrative Officer
Tomoyo Umemoto is the chief administrative officer of SheepMedical, leading the administration division. She has been involved in building SheepMedical’s business operations and system infrastructure since its start. She’s leveraged her administrative skills as the executive assistant to the management team and president of beBit Corporation.
Previously, she was a part of the human resources department at Works Applications. Tomoyo graduated from the Faculty of Human Sciences at Osaka University.
Risks & Disclosures

This communication is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor a recommendation of any securities of the company mentioned herein.
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Information, opinions and estimates contained on this page or in the Company Presentation reflect judgments by the Company as of the original date of publication by the Company and are subject to change without notice. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied is made regarding future performance.
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