Tinley Beverage Company Inc.
Tinley's is the only pure-play, publicly traded vehicle for US cannabis beverages, offering investors exposure to the largest and most diversified portfolio of leading beverage brands.
Tinley's also owns two Emerald Cup-award winning beverage product families; available throughout California and planning to launch in Canada Q2 2022. California and Canada are the two largest markets in the world.
IR Website: https://drinktinley.com/distribution-licence-corporate-updates/
Headquarters: Toronto, ON
Content provided by Tinley's Beverages on 3/7/22
The Tinley's Beverages management team is always available to talk to current and potential investors. They're happy to answer any questions you may have and tell you what makes their story unique. Please fill out this form, and we will connect you shortly.

Tinley's is the only pure-play, publicly traded vehicle for US cannabis beverages, offering investors exposure to the largest and most diversified portfolio of leading beverage brands.
Tinley's also owns two Emerald Cup-award winning beverage product families; available throughout California and planning to launch in Canada Q2 2022. California and Canada are the two largest markets in the world.
The largest scaled cannabis bottling facilities available to third-party cannabis beverages in California, with significant barriers to entry
Contracted to manufacture a significant and growing share of California’s biggest beverage brands
The only pure-play, publicly traded vehicle for US cannabis beverages, offering investors exposure to the largest and most diversified portfolio of leading beverage brands
Tinley's also owns two Emerald Cup-award winning beverage product families; available throughout California and planning to launch in Canada Q2 2022. California and Canada are the two largest markets in the world.
The cannabis beverage category is now showing significant growth, and manufacturing is one of the highest gross-margin downstream phases of the cannabis beverage supply chain
The company is now experiencing accelerating revenue growth; final on-site distribution license activated in January 2022
Recent News
Management Overview

Richard Gillis
President and Chief Executive Officer
• Previously President, Youngs Market Company – US$3 billion in annual sales; 2nd largest beverage
alcohol distributor in Western USA
• General Manager/EVP, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Southwest USA
• 30 years in various senior positions in the
beverage and CPG industries
Ted Zittell
Director & Office of the CEO
• Previously President, Cott Corporation’s Retail Brands International
Douglas Fulton
Director & Office of the CEO
• LA-based award-winning international television executive
• Co-Founder LA Christine, a line of skin care products
• Previously EVP, Europe SBS Broadcasting (prev. NASDAQ-listed) • Previously EVP, Europe Jump TV/ NeuLion (prev. TSX & AIM-listed)
Risks & Disclosures

This communication is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor a recommendation of any securities of the company mentioned herein.
Tinley's Beverage Company Inc. (the “Company”) and its counsel have reviewed the content of this page as well as the accompanying presentation (“Company Presentation”) displayed on this page. To the best of its knowledge, the Company does not believe this content to be misleading or inaccurate in any material respect, nor does it believe there are any material omissions with respect to such content. The Company does not believe the contents of the page or the Company Presentation to contain any non-public material information.
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Information, opinions and estimates contained on this page or in the Company Presentation reflect judgments by the Company as of the original date of publication by the Company and are subject to change without notice. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied is made regarding future performance.
A complete description of the risks and uncertainties relating to the Company and its securities can be found in the company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission available for free at www.sec.gov.
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B2I DIGITAL, Inc. is a marketing sponsor of the Roth 34th Annual Roth Conference. B2I DIGITAL, Inc. is not an affiliate of Roth Capital Partners, LLC (“Roth”) and is not authorized to represent or act on behalf of Roth ,in any capacity. Roth has not reviewed and approved the content contained on the b2idigital.com website.